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Apr 28, 2018 A k-hole is a horrible effect of the drug, ketamine. Falling into a k hole is slang for how it feels when you take a high-enough dose of ketamine that your awareness of the world What Does a K Hole Experience Feel Like?Jun 13, 2017 Ketamine is an interesting drug. The experience you have varies greatly based on how much you take. I did not drink alcohol until I turned 21 years old.“Street” ketamine is usually a white powder; with a grainy appearance like salt, or flaky like Taking ketamine orally usually results in a less intense experience.Mar 1, 2017 In severely injured soldiers, like a double or even quadruple amputee, we Without knowing how much ketamine they;re taking, many timesMy preferred way to use ketamine, is one little (10-20mg) bump at a time, then 20-30 min later I;ll take another. Low doses kinda just make things feel lighter, like your walking on air. Your mood is more pleasant, I becomeThe effects don;t last long, but until they wear off, ketamine can cause a loss of . I started taking K at about age 13, I thought I was so cool, all my life I had hungIn that case, much like alcohol, ketamine only triggers that violent behavior and reinforce. That typically occurs, when such a person takes small enough dosesBrown University states, “Combining ketamine with other depressants, like alcohol, to be taken to the hospital because they are experiencing a ketamine high.Dec 2, 2013 just describing my first time doing ketamine. Nelly takes ketamine and feel like she;s at the dentist Drugslab - Duration: 11:42. Drugslab"> <a web?q="What%20is%20taking%20ketamine%20like""> <li web?q="What%20is%20taking%20ketamine%20likeqo=paginationqsrc=998page=2"" class=">1</li> </a> <a "> </li> <li web?q="What%20is%20taking%20ketamine%20likeqo=paginationqsrc=998page=3"" class=">2</li> </a> <a "> </li> <li web?q="What%20is%20taking%20ketamine%20likeqo=paginationqsrc=998page=4"" class=">3</li> </a> <a "> </li> <li web?q="What%20is%20taking%20ketamine%20likeqo=paginationqsrc=998page=5"" class=">4</li> </a> <a "> </li> <li web?q="What%20is%20taking%20ketamine%20likeqo=paginationqsrc=998page=2"" class=">5</li> </a> <a "> </li> <li class=">Next</li> </a> </ul> </div>">"> <noscript> <img src="//b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2 searchPayload.assetType = assetType; ask.unified.sendAction(searchPayload, function () { window.location.href = data.url; }); return; } window.location.href = data.url; } }; })(); if(App) { (function () { App.events = App.events []; App.events.push({ partial: "PartialLss", contextSelector: document, elementSelector: null, type: "ready", handler: function () { if (!lssCfg.disableSS) { $("input[name=q]:first:not(:hidden)").lssSuggestions(lssCfg); } } }); })(); }</script> <div id="shadow" style="height: 100%; display: none;"></div> "> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"/> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"/> <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> <link REL="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" HREF="//www.ask.com/ask-search.xml" title="Ask Search"> <title>Ask.com - What;s Your Question?</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" "/s/0-2-62/site-ask-sites-askus-web-page.css"/> <style> .content-visible { visibility: hidden; } </style> <noscript> <style type="text/css"> .content-visible { visibility: visible !important; } </style> </noscript></li> </a>

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