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Hi my name is ritik I am from the technical team if you are facing any issue to Yahoo Mail issues you can visit our website.Here you find solutions to your problems. If you're as curious as I am about technical solutions, I welcome you to read my most recent blog post.

Yahoo Mail is a widely used email service, but like any online service, it can encounter problems. This blog addresses common Yahoo Mail issues such as login problems, not receiving emails, and dealing with a hacked account.

Yahoo Mail Login Problems

If you're having trouble logging into your Yahoo Mail account, follow these steps to regain access:

1.  Check Your Credentials :
   - Ensure you are entering the correct email address and password.
   - Remember that Yahoo Mail passwords are case-sensitive.

2.  Reset Your Password :
   - If you’ve forgotten your password, click on the “Forgot password?” link on the Yahoo login page.
   - Follow the prompts to reset your password using your recovery email or phone number.

3.  Clear Browser Cache and Cookies :
   - Sometimes, clearing your browser’s cache and cookies can resolve login issues.
   - Try logging in again after clearing this data.

4.  Update Your Browser :
   - Ensure that your web browser is up to date. Older versions might not support Yahoo Mail’s latest features.

5.  Disable Browser Extensions :

   - Certain browser extensions or add-ons can interfere with Yahoo Mail. Try disabling them temporarily to see if it resolves the issue. Visit https://www.callvoicesupport.com/yahoo-mail-login-problems/

6. Check Account Status :
   - If you’ve received a message that your account is locked, wait 12 hours and try logging in again. This typically happens if there have been multiple failed login attempts.

Yahoo Not Receiving Emails

If you’re not receiving emails in your Yahoo Mail account, here are steps to troubleshoot:

1.  Check Spam and Trash Folders :
   - Sometimes, legitimate emails can be mistakenly filtered into the Spam or Trash folders. Check these folders to see if your missing emails are there.

2.  Verify Email Filters :
   - Ensure that no filters are inadvertently directing emails away from your inbox. Go to Settings > Filters to review and adjust any filters.

3.  Check Blocked Addresses :
   - Make sure that the sender’s email address is not on your blocked list. Go to Settings > Blocked Addresses to check and remove any addresses as needed.

4.  Review Account Storage :

   - If your account is full, you won’t be able to receive new emails. Delete unnecessary emails to free up space. Visit https://www.callvoicesupport.com/yahoo-not-receiving-emails/

5.  Check Forwarding Settings :
   - Ensure that your emails are not being forwarded to another address without your knowledge. Go to Settings > Accounts and check the forwarding settings.

Yahoo Email Hacked

If you suspect that your Yahoo Mail account has been hacked, take immediate action to secure it:

1.  Change Your Password :
   - Log in to your Yahoo account and change your password immediately. Choose a strong, unique password that you haven’t used before.

2.  Update Security Settings :
   - Review and update your account’s security settings. Ensure that your recovery email and phone number are correct.

3.  Check Account Activity :
   - Go to Account Info > Recent Activity to review any unusual login attempts or changes to your account.

4.  Secure Your Devices :
   - Run antivirus and anti-malware scans on your devices to ensure they are not compromised.

5.  Enable Two-Step Verification :

   - Add an extra layer of security by enabling two-step verification. This will require a verification code sent to your phone or email when logging in. Visit https://www.callvoicesupport.com/yahoo-email-hacked/

6. Contact Yahoo Support :
   - If you’re unable to regain control of your account or if you notice unauthorized activity, contact Yahoo Support for further assistance.

By following these steps, you can effectively address and resolve common Yahoo Mail issues such as login problems, not receiving emails, and securing a hacked account. For more detailed guidance and support, visit the Yahoo Help Center or contact Yahoo customer support.

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