Author: Frank Soltiz/Friday, December 13, 2013/Categories: DENTAL HEALTH
Occasionally, a dentist will en¬counter a child that requires the care of a specialist. For example, a very young child with many cavities. or perhaps an extremely fearful or apprehensive child. In cases like these, the General Den¬tist may recommend the care of a Pedodonitist. These are dentists who have taken years of additional training specifically in the care of special children.
The Children's specialist is able to employ certain patient management and sedation techniques that make complex treatment comfortable for young or fearful children. Many Pe¬dodontist are able to provide all necessary treatment in their own private offices. However, they usually have access to a hospi¬tal setting for the most diffficult cases. Pedodontists try to com¬plete treatment in as few visits as possible in order to limit a child's exposure to potentially frighten¬ing experiences. While most chil¬dren can be safely and effectively treated by their family dentist, it is good to know a children's special¬ist is available for special cases.
Presented in the interest of promoting a better dental health environment from the office of: Frank Soltiz, DDS 13367 Broadway Alden, New York 14004
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