Author: Frank Soltiz/Friday, December 13, 2013/Categories: DENTAL HEALTH
Establishing a good doctorpatient relationship is the goal of every dentist. This relationship is based on mutual trust and respect. One of the ways a dentist shows respect for patients is keeping appointments on schedule. This is not always an easy. task. Unfortunately, emergencies do arise. When a patient is in pain or has symptoms of infection, the dentist must treat these problems as soon as possible.
This sometimes disrupts normally scheduled appointments. The Dental staff notifies you if your appointment is going to be delayed and tries to keep your waiting time to a minimum. Sometimes, patients fail to keep their appointments. A broken appointment is a loss to everyone. Wasted time means that patients who are waiting for appointments cannot be seen. If you cannot keep an appointment for some reason, let your dental office know as soon as you can, so someone else can be scheduled. To reduce wasted time, many dental offices confirm appointments by way of postcards or phone calls. Help your dentist and dental staff to do their best by keeping scheduled appointments. Presented in the interest of promoting a better dental health environment from the office of" Frank Soltiz, DDS 13367 Broadway Alden, New York 14004 937-7812
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