Author: Frank Soltiz/Friday, December 13, 2013/Categories: DENTAL HEALTH
Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of Americans. Resis¬tance to infection and slow healing is a problem for diabetics. This is an issue in keeping teeth and gums healthy. When diabetes is poorly con¬trolled, there are higher levels of sugar in the saliva. Plaque bacte¬ria thrive in this environment and can repeatedly attack the enamel. This results in a greater risk of cavities. People that have diabetes should practice excellent brushing and flossing and protect their teeth with a flouride supplement.
Periodontal disease is a low-grade infection. Lowered resis-tance in diabetics make them more susceptible to gum disease. Some¬times, it is necessary to see your dentist more frequently for clean¬ing and check-ups to keep the gum disease from getting worse, Again, excellent daily oral hy¬gience is critical to oral health in diabetics.
Next week, we'll disuss some additional considerations for the patient with diabetes.
Presented in the interest of promoting a better dental health environment from the office of: Frank Soltiz, DDS 13367 Broadway Alden, New York 14004 937-7812
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