Author: Frank Soltiz/Friday, December 13, 2013/Categories: DENTAL HEALTH
Although we don't oftenthink about what kind of tooth-brush to buy, there are differ-ences, and important ones.Toothbrushes must be pre-scribed for individual use justas medicines are.Not long ago, the hard, nat-ural bristle brush was almostuniversally recommended, andwith some dentists it still is.However, the natual bristleshave almost knifelike tips thatcan cut the gums and when usedto remove plaque under gums,can break and create irritationin the area. Consequently, moreand more dentists are recom-mending the soft, multi-tuftednylon brushes with roundedbristles. These are ideal forplaque removal. These bristleswon't break under or irritate thegums. When properly used, themany bristles loosen the plaqueand scrub it away.In general, the straight han-dles are better than one withcurved or angled handle and thekind with tufts shaped intowaves or bumps are notrequired unless you have wavyor bumpy teeth. If your dentistrecommends a particular brushfor you, use it. He knows yourcondition and what's best foryou.
Presented in the interest ofpromoting a better dental healthenvironment from the office of:Frank Soltiz, DDS13367 BroadwayAlden, New York 14004937-7812Which
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