Author: Frank Soltiz/Friday, December 13, 2013/Categories: DENTAL HEALTH
Let's be practical. People are not going to give up sweet treats just for the sake of preventing cavities. But the fact is, that eating a lot of surgary snacks will cause tooth decay. There are ways that we can enjoy a sweet treat and protect our teeth from the harmful effects of sugar.
The object is to reduce the amount of time our teeth are exposed to sugar. We should try to avoid between meal treats. Sweets that stick to the teeth can be very harmful. Sticky candies tend to coat our teeth with sugar for long periods of time. The best time to have a sweet food is after a meal for dessert. The flow of saliva is greatest at this time and this helps protect our teeth from high doses of sugar. When you brush your teeth after dessert, you further proteet your teeth from the sugar.
Toothbrushing after "between meal" sweets if very important. If it is not possible to brush, at least rinse your mouth with water. This will dilute the sugar. Dentists recommend a diet that is low in sugar to help prevent tooth decay.
An occasional sweet treat is certainly acceptable. Just remember to brush really well after you have sugary foods. Presented in the interest of promoting a better dental health environment from the office of" Frank Soltiz, DDS 13367 Broadway Alden, New York 14004 937-7812
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